M+: Sigg Fellowship for Chinese Art Research 2024–2025
2 December 2024
Announcement Method:
M+ museum
Founded Year:
The awarded fellow is expected to be attached to M+ for a period of three to six months.
Application Guidelines:
We welcome applications from individuals or research groups of all nationalities, with no age requirement. The provision of the fellowship, however, depends on whether the fellow can obtain a visa for Hong Kong. Applicants should either hold a postgraduate degree in a relevant discipline or an undergraduate degree with a minimum of three years of relevant professional work or academic research experience. Proficiency in spoken and written Chinese or English is also required.
The fellowship proposal must be based on new research or be an expansion of earlier research that has not been previously published. Preference is given to entirely new research projects. The fellow must grant M+ exclusive priority to publish the research following the completion of the project.
The fellow will be awarded a grant of HKD 200,000 to cover all expenses, including travel, living, insurance, and research-related costs.
The fellowship will conclude with a public lecture in Hong Kong and an essay in Chinese (at least 7,500 characters) or in English (at least 5,000 words) to be published on M+ Magazine.
Selection Procedure:
The following criteria are considered when assessing each application:
original proposal that expands and reinterprets existing knowledge, or produces new knowledge, of the histories of Chinese art
potential for expanding the understanding and scope of the museum’s collection, programming, and curatorial strategies in Chinese art
proven ability of the candidate to undertake advanced research
Social Media Links:
Financial Assistance:
The awarded fellow is expected to be attached to M+ for a period of three to six months. They will develop their proposed project in response to the research theme and will be able to access the M+ Collections both onsite and online, consult library and archival materials, deliver several internal presentations, and take part in discussions with curators and other staff members.
The fellow will be awarded a grant of HKD 200,000 to cover all expenses, including travel, living, insurance, and research-related costs.
M+, Hongkong
Hong Kong International Airport
Driving Instructions:
You can show your taxi driver the address in Traditional Chinese: M+ (香港九龍西九文化區博物館道38號)
If your driver requires assistance, ask your driver to head to the roundabout at Nga Cheung Road and Austin Road West and head to Museum Drive. At the first intersection on Museum Drive, on your left is a designated pick-up and drop-off area. This will also take you to the B1 entrance of the Museum.
Contact Information:
Tuesdays to Thursdays and weekends: 10:00–18:00
Fridays: 10:00–22:00
Mondays: Closed
The last admission time is thirty minutes before closing.
The museum is open on all public holidays unless otherwise announced.
(852) 2200 0217
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